Please read these terms and conditions carefully. They contain very important information about your rights and obligations, as well as warranty and liability limitations that may apply to you. By placing an order for Products or Services, you (the “Customer”) accept and agree to these terms and conditions. A binding contract will only be formed upon GETPAY LLC giving notice of its formal acceptance of an order. Acknowledgment of receipt of an order shall not constitute acceptance of an order.


  1. Parties and Definitions
  2. General Application of Terms and Conditions
  3. Changes to Terms and GETPAY LLC Websites
  4. Product Information and Availability Changes
  5. Price
  6. Manner of Payment
  7. Terms of Payment
  8. Order Acknowledgment, Order Acceptance, Contract formation
  9. Account Information
  10. Delivery
  11. Delivery Date
  12. Title
  13. Software Licences
  14. Your Acceptance of Products
  15. Your Right to Return and Returns Policy
  16. Exceptions to Right to Return
  17. Resale of Parts etc.
  18. Guarantees and Warranties
  19. Liability Limitation
  20. Data Protection and Privacy
  21. Export Control
  22. Governing Law, Jurisdiction and Languages
  23. Other Ð general
  24. Statutory Rights

1. Parties and Definitions

GETPAY LLC are the global CPaaS, eSIM and MVNO experts (“GETPAY LLC”) is the seller of Products and/or the supplier of Services for the purposes of Customer’s rights and concerns relating to Products and/or Services. GETPAY LLC is a German company registered and established in Berlin, Germany, with registration number HRB 89497 in the register of corporations at the district court of Berlin-Charlottenburg. Its statutory seat is at GETPAY LLC Merab Aleksidze Streеt N12, Floor 8, Blook "B", Office Spaсe N39, Georgia, Tbilisi, Saburtalo District. Contact GETPAY LLC mbH via e-mail at [email protected] . GETPAY LLC’s European VAT ID is DE 813 827 620.

In these terms and conditions: GETPAY LLC is referred to as “GETPAY LLC”, “we” or “us”; “Customer” or “you” refers to the person (a natural person or other legal entity) who orders Products or Services via this or other GETPAY LLC websites or a GETPAY LLC telephone call centre, and whose order for Products or Services is accepted by GETPAY LLC; “Contract” is the contract containing these terms and conditions, formed by GETPAY LLC’s acceptance of your order, and credit card or other payment details; “Products” are the products listed as items for sale on GETPAY LLC websites; “Services” are any services available from GETPAY LLC through GETPAY LLC websites, for example, delivery or packaging services; “Terms” are these terms and conditions of sale; “GETPAY LLC websites” are the websites operated by or on behalf of GETPAY LLC including those located at the internet domain with the URL http://www.GETPAY; and “day” refers to a calendar day.

2. General

Application of Terms and Conditions: Customer’s (your) purchase of Products or Services, whether through a GETPAY LLC website or a GETPAY LLC telephone call center, is subject to these Terms and no other terms or conditions shall apply. These Terms override any other terms or conditions referred to by Customer or in any course of dealing. A consumer is entitled to notify the seller that he withdraws from the sale, without penalty and without giving any reason within 7 working days after the day of delivery. For further information on returns: See section 15 or phone GETPAY LLC on the numbers listed on GETPAY LLC’s website.

3. Changes to Terms and GETPAY LLC websites

GETPAY LLC may amend these Terms, including payment, guarantee and warranty terms, without notice. GETPAY LLC also reserves the right to modify the terms of separate Product guarantees at any time. GETPAY LLC may provide notices of changes to GETPAY LLC websites, the Terms and other matters by displaying notices or hypertext links to notices or by simply making the changes on the relevant GETPAY LLC website. Frequent review of GETPAY LLC websites and these Terms is recommended. However, Contracts concluded on the basis of previous terms and conditions remain unaffected. Although care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information on GETPAY LLC websites, they could include inaccuracies or typographical errors, including pricing errors. GETPAY LLC shall not be obliged to honor, nor be liable in respect of, such errors. GETPAY LLC and third party suppliers may make improvements and/or changes in Products, Services, service programs, prices and other details described in GETPAY LLC websites, at any time. Changes are periodically made to update GETPAY LLC websites.

4. Product Information and Availability Changes

GETPAY LLC continually updates and revises Products. GETPAY LLC may update, revise and/or discontinue Products and/or any peripheral products at any time. GETPAY LLC may revise prices for Products listed as available items on GETPAY LLC websites at any time. A price remains valid only for the duration of the day on which Customer visits the page of the GETPAY LLC website displaying that price or the day on which Customer is informed of the price by GETPAY LLC (through a telephone call centre or otherwise). GETPAY LLC displays current Products at GETPAY LLC endeavours to maintain Product availability. However, Product availability constantly changes and different Products and Product groups may have different availabilities. All orders are subject to availability of the relevant Product(s). GETPAY LLC reserves the right to prioritize orders and to allocate limited stock between orders as it deems fit. Any weights and measurements stated on GETPAY LLC websites are approximate, all monitor screens are measured diagonally and all monitor screen images are simulated pictures.

5. Price

The price of Products shall be GETPAY LLC’s currently applicable price at the date and time of acceptance of the Customer’s order. This may be specified on GETPAY LLC websites or at Product purchase “check-out”, but the definitive price shall be that which is notified to Customer by GETPAY LLC on acceptance of the order by GETPAY LLC. Any incorrect prices on GETPAY LLC websites shall be void and of no effect and in respect of any orders placed for incorrectly priced Products, the correct price as determined by GETPAY LLC shall be notified to the Customer and, if the Customer wishes to continue with the order, substituted in place of the incorrect price. Prices do not include shipping or handling costs, transport insurance, VAT (or other revenue tax), duty and other taxes, levies or charges of any authorities, unless otherwise specified, or otherwise required by applicable law. You agree to pay tax, shipping and handling costs for Products, and any other charges described in the previous sentence (if applicable), as specified in the invoice issued by GETPAY LLC after purchase of Products from GETPAY LLC.

6. Manner of Payment

GETPAY LLC accepts payment by bank wire transfer. GETPAY LLC does not accept other means of payment (e.g. cheque) without GETPAY LLC’s prior agreement through its telephone call center or otherwise. Payment options may vary from country to country.

7. Terms of Payment

Customer must render payment (via wire transfer or other payment means accepted by GETPAY LLC) on or before the delivery of Products unless otherwise agreed with GETPAY LLC. Invoicing and payment collection by GETPAY LLC may be effected through third parties. If Customer has credit at GETPAY LLC, then GETPAY LLC will charge Customer’s account on shipment, after a Contract has been concluded (i.e. after GETPAY LLC has verified Product availability and accepted the Customer’s order and payment method).

8. Order Acknowledgment, Order Acceptance, Contract formation

All orders for Products placed by you with GETPAY LLC are subject to acceptance by GETPAY LLC. GETPAY LLC may at its sole discretion accept or reject orders, or advise you of its inability to process orders. GETPAY LLC may send you an acknowledgement of receipt of an order, by e-mail or other medium (including telephone). Such an acknowledgement of receipt may be automatically generated and shall not constitute an acceptance of the order. GETPAY LLC websites through which orders can be placed may contain automatic means for identifying and alerting you to certain types of input error before you place your order. Such means may not identify all errors or omissions and you should ensure that the information you submit in your order is accurate and complete. If an order placed online through a GETPAY LLC website, by e-mail or by telephoning a GETPAY LLC call centre is accepted, GETPAY LLC may advise of its acceptance of the order by e-mail or other written form. GETPAY LLC reserves rights to acknowledge or accept verbally (by telephone) telephone orders placed through its call center or similar facilities. Any Contract is dependant and conditional upon GETPAY LLC’s verification of availability and acceptance of both your order and your credit card or other payment details. Unless and until GETPAY LLC confirms acceptance of both of these items, GETPAY LLC has no obligation to provide any Products or Services. Where Customer has elected to make payment other than with a credit card (and GETPAY LLC has accepted that payment option), GETPAY LLC is entitled to consider an order or Contract cancelled with or without notice to Customer, if GETPAY LLC does not receive that payment within 10 days of the date of the relevant order acknowledgement. We maintain records of orders, order acknowledgements and Contracts (including these Terms and order acceptances) and retain these for a reasonable period following delivery. Whilst we may if necessary (and only on written request) be able to provide you with a copy of your Contract, these are not made generally available to Customers. We recommend that you retain a printed copy of these Terms with a copy and/or note of your order, order acknowledgment, order acceptance, payment method acceptance and invoice as evidence of purchase.

9. Account Information

You are solely responsible for 1) providing true, accurate, current and complete information about you as prompted in the GETPAY LLC website account details section or as requested by a GETPAY LLC telephone call centre agent (“Account Information”), and 2) maintaining and promptly updating Account Information to maintain its accuracy, currency and completeness. You are solely responsible for the security of any password provided to you for purposes of facilitating Product purchases or other matters via this and other GETPAY LLC websites. GETPAY LLC shall not be liable for any unauthorized use of passwords.

10. Delivery

Products will be delivered to delivery addresses within any country of the European Economic Area or Switzerland and Norway (but excluding any countries that are not listed as being available for selection through the country selector on the GETPAY LLC website or in the list of countries available through the GETPAY LLC telephone call centre, where suitable logistics and/or support arrangements may currently not be in place) only, except as otherwise exceptionally agreed with GETPAY LLC. GETPAY LLC will use its discretion in selecting a reputable carrier and appropriate means of delivery. GETPAY LLC may deliver Products by installments in any sequence. Where Products are delivered by installments, each installment is deemed to be the subject of a separate Contract. No default or failure by GETPAY LLC in respect of one or more installments will affect the Contract in respect of Products previously delivered, or undelivered Products. If GETPAY LLC notifies you that it is unable to deliver any installment of Products, you will be deemed to accept those installments already delivered (subject to applicable law).

11. Delivery Date

GETPAY LLC aims to deliver promptly. However, there may be reasons for GETPAY LLC’s inability to ship according to its target dates (most of which are beyond GETPAY LLC’s control). Accordingly, any dates given by GETPAY LLC for the delivery of Products are estimates only, and GETPAY LLC cannot and does not undertake that delivery will occur on any specified dates. However, you have the option of cancelling your order at any stage prior to despatch of your Products by GETPAY LLC. You may also have a right to return Products after they have been delivered (see “Your Right to Return and Returns Policy” below). If Products cannot be delivered by any estimated or target dates given by GETPAY LLC, GETPAY LLC may elect to cancel the order and refund any money paid by the Customer. If an order is cancelled, GETPAY LLC’s only obligation shall be to refund any money paid by the Customer to GETPAY LLC.

12. Title

GETPAY LLC retains full legal title to Products until it has received in full all amounts due on those Products and (to the extent permitted by applicable law) payment on any other Products that you have ordered. GETPAY LLC reserves rights (subject to applicable law) to terminate Customer’s right to use, sell or otherwise deal in Products, and to enter the premises of Customer and repossess Products (or to instruct a third party to do so), if payment is not made when due, or if the credit card company declines payment or requires GETPAY LLC to return any payment made for the Products, for any reason. Title to any software comprising, included in or with Products remains with GETPAY LLC or the relevant licensor, notwithstanding payment.

13. Firmware Licences

All firmware, including pre-loaded firmware contained in hardware Products, is licensed and not sold. It is licensed either by GETPAY LLC or the relevant software owner to you subject to the relevant firmware end-user licence agreement or other terms included with the firmware and/or with the Product or Services. Firmware may not be disassembled, decompiled, reverse engineered, merged or combined with any other software, copied, translated, adapted, varied or modified (save as expressly permitted by applicable law) nor may it be distributed in any form. Where express software licence terms are not supplied, firmware is licensed on a non-exclusive, nontransferable, single user basis for use only with the accompanying Product. If you do not accept the terms of any applicable firmware licence, subject to the exceptions in paragraph 16 below, you should return the Products unused and “as new” in accordance with, and within the time period set out in, paragraph 15 below. Note: to qualify for a refund, shrink-wrap firmware must not be opened (see paragraph 16 below). GETPAY LLC guarantees or warranties do not include the correction or avoidance of software defects or errors or the loading or re-loading of Customer’s applications software or data or any reconfiguration of Products beyond reloading the operating system software as installed in the Products before shipment (subject to software availability).

14. Your Acceptance of Products

You have the responsibility for examining the Products on delivery and verifying heir condition, and that the content of the Product package is complete. Products will be considered to have been accepted by you on delivery, as in good condition, and with all accessories, components and other products and content to be contained in or packaged with the Product, and as otherwise in accordance with the Contract, unless you have on delivery or promptly thereafter inspected the Products and notified GETPAY LLC of any deficiencies or defects.

15. Your Right to Return and Returns Policy

You may return purchased Products for any reason for a full refund of the Product purchase price actually paid within 7 working days following the date you receive the Products (or such longer period stipulated by applicable local law), subject to compliance with the following: You must obtain a GETPAY LLC return merchandise authorization (RMA) number. This number may be obtained from GETPAY LLC via e-mail, telephone or fax, on the contact number(s) mentioned in GETPAY LLC websites. You must return the Products to the address and in the manner indicated on the return documentation. The GETPAY LLC return reference number must be prominently displayed on the outside of the parcel in which the Products are returned to GETPAY LLC. Your GETPAY LLC invoice must be enclosed with the returned Products. You must prepay (i.e. prior to any reimbursement of the Product price by GETPAY LLC) the Product carriage/delivery charges and assume all risk of loss and damage to Products while in transit to GETPAY LLC. Products must be returned with unbroken seal in the original packaging, in “as new” condition, and with all component products, parts, accessories, warranty cards, manuals and other documents and items. If you return Products (1) which have been damaged or used, (2) without a GETPAY LLC return merchandise authorization number, (3) after the 7 working-day returns period (or other period specified by applicable law), (4) without proper or with missing packaging, (5) parts of which, including components, included products, accessories, packaging, boxes, documents and/or other items are damaged or missing, or (6) without pre-paid delivery, GETPAY LLC retains the right either to refuse to refund Product purchase price (subject to applicable local law), or to charge you repair, restocking or related fees and delivery charges. GETPAY LLC may in that case deduct those fees and charges from any payments to be refunded to you. On return of Products, GETPAY LLC will, subject to the above qualifications, repay the actual amount paid to GETPAY LLC, less any fees and charges due to GETPAY LLC (as per the above), by crediting your relevant credit card or bank account (or other means). The issue by GETPAY LLC of a return reference number shall not constitute an acceptance or acknowledgment of any right to return Products, except to the extent that these Terms or mandatory applicable laws confer such a right.

16. Exceptions to Right to Return

The right of return does not apply if you do not purchase Products or Services as a consumer. The right of return and refund does not apply to software sold with GETPAY LLC products, or as a separate product, if the licence seal has been broken and/or shrink-wrap packaging opened.

17. Resale of Parts etc.

Customer shall not resell Product parts, components or accessories packaged with the Products. GETPAY LLC may (among other reasons) reject orders placed by Customer if Customer breaches this term (with regard to any Products) or if GETPAY LLC reasonably suspects that Customer has breached or will breach this term.

18. Guarantees and Warranties

GETPAY LLC Product Subject to the qualification with respect to statutory rights (below), to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, GETPAY LLC gives no guarantees or warranties with respect to Products or Services, additional to those in the guarantee card included with the Products, or, in the case of optional extended guarantees issued by GETPAY LLC, additional to those extended guarantees (in each case, “Guarantees”). Guarantee cards and Typical Guarantee terms and exceptions In the Guarantee cards included with Products, GETPAY LLC gives certain warranties and service undertakings concerning the Products. The terms of the Guarantees applicable to the Products you order may vary depending on the relevant Product, country of sale or intended use of the Product. In the Guarantees, GETPAY LLC (as stated in the relevant Guarantee) typically guarantees the Product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 1 year (or other stipulated period) from original purchase. If, during that period, the Product proves defective in materials or workmanship, the relevant service center, facility or other service option will repair or replace the Product or defective parts, subject to exceptions stated in the relevant Guarantee. Repair or replacement of defective Products or parts in accordance with the relevant Guarantee terms is (to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law) your only and exclusive remedy for defective Product covered by a Guarantee. However, the Guarantees (and these Terms) do not affect or detract from, and should not be read to affect, your statutory rights under applicable law (whether as a consumer or otherwise) which cannot be waived or limited by contract, and you may assert your rights at your sole discretion. The following are some typical exceptions to Guarantee coverage (stated in the Guarantees): A Guarantee does not cover damage from adaptations or adjustments made to the relevant Product without the prior written consent of GETPAY LLC. A Guarantee will not apply if the type or serial number of the product has been altered, deleted, removed or rendered illegible. A Guarantee does not cover (among other things):

a. periodic maintenance and repair or replacement of parts due to normal wear and tear;

b. consumables supplied with the Product such as batteries;

c. cosmetic damage;

d. physical damage to liquid crystal displays;

e. damage or loss to software, data or storage media;

f. transport costs and risks;

g. damage from improper use or maintenance;

h. damage from installation or use of the Product inconsistent with applicable technical

or safety standards or installation or user instructions;

’i. damage from improper or incorrect installation of software and other products;

j. repair or attempted repair of the Product by non-authorised persons;

k. damage from accidents, lightning, water, fire, improper ventilation or any cause beyond the control of GETPAY LLC;

l. damage by use of the Product with accessories, products or peripheral equipment not made by GETPAY LLC;

m. damage by defects of any system into which the Product is incorporated;

n. software (as mentioned below); and

o. damage due to abuse, neglect or commercial use.

The Guarantees contain warranties and other vital terms concerning the Products, including limitations and exclusions of guarantee coverage and liability. Please review the Guarantee(s) which apply to the Products carefully. Placing an order for Products with GETPAY LLC constitutes full acceptance of the guarantee and warranty terms and limitations set out in these Terms and in any applicable GETPAY LLC Guarantees available to view at the time of placing an order. The terms of the Guarantee card shipped with the Product supersedes (to the extent of any inconsistency) Guarantee terms in GETPAY LLC websites and other sources. Free-of-charge services under a Guarantee will be provided only on presentation of proof and date of purchase. Therefore, you should keep a copy of the invoice for the Product with the Product Guarantee card. You should also keep a copy of the courier delivery note as evidence of the exact delivery date. Claims to be made within warranty period Notwithstanding any provision of the Guarantees, all warranty claims must be made within the warranty period stipulated in the Guarantee. No other terms or warranties No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from GETPAY LLC, distributors, resellers or other third parties, whether through or from after-sales or other services referred to in, or linked to or from GETPAY LLC websites, or otherwise, will create any warranty or condition concerning Product features or capabilities not expressly stated in these Terms or the relevant Guarantee(s). There are no warranties, conditions or other terms that are binding on GETPAY LLC other than as stated in these Terms, except for those (if any) provided by your statutory rights under applicable law (whether as a consumer or otherwise) which cannot be waived or limited by contract. There may be differences between Products delivered to you and seemingly equivalent products described in marketing materials (advertisements, catalogues, specification sheets etc) in manufacturers’, distributors’, resellers’ or other websites or other materials, which may or may not be intended for use in your country of residence. GETPAY LLC is not responsible for such differences. Any other warranty, condition or other term concerning Products that might otherwise be implied into or incorporated into the Terms by law is expressly excluded (to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law). GETPAY LLC employees are not authorized to vary these Terms. If Products (such as certain accessories) are sold without an applicable Guarantee card, GETPAY LLC gives no warranty or guarantee, other than as stated in applicable law. Third Party Hardware If hardware which is not manufactured by GETPAY LLC is included as or with Products available for purchase from GETPAY LLC and a separate third party guarantee for that hardware is included with Products, the terms of that guarantee shall apply to the exclusion of the guarantees and warranties mentioned above (to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law). Software The Guarantee(s) and/or warranties mentioned above do not cover any software products contained in or supplied with the Products (whether produced by GETPAY LLC or by other parties). No guarantees or warranties (express or implied) with respect to software sold with or embedded or incorporated into Products are given, save any expressly set out in any accompanying software end-user licence agreement or other terms included with the software. Any such software is provided “AS IS” (i.e. without warranty or conditions as to its satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose or correspondence with description) unless expressly provided in any end-user licence agreement or software or other product warranty from the relevant manufacturer or licensor, enclosed with the relevant Products. Please refer to the end-user licence agreements and/or guarantees included with the Products, for Customer’s rights with regards to the manufacturer or supplier of software, and the parties’ respective obligations with respect to that software. Technical Assistance and Support The Guarantee(s) and warranties do not cover technical assistance for hardware or software use. GETPAY LLC does not offer support to customers for problems or issues regarding any software or other products licensed or manufactured by a party other than GETPAY LLC. If Customer needs such support, Customer must contact the respective manufacturer or licensor of the relevant software or other product. Modification of Guarantees and warranties GETPAY LLC reserve the right to modify warranties (in or referred to in these Terms), and/or separate warranties and guarantees (included with the Products) at any time. However, Contracts accepted on the basis of previous terms and conditions, including Guarantees which applied to your purchase (at the time of purchase) remain unaffected.

19. Liability Limitation

These Terms set out the full extent of GETPAY LLC’s obligations and liabilities in respect of the supply of, or failure to supply, Products. GETPAY LLC is not liable to you (or any other parties): a. for any indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages, or for loss of income, profits, bargain, revenue, contracts, goodwill, use, enjoyment, time, data, electronically transmitted orders or other economic advantage (even if GETPAY LLC has been advised of the possibility of such damages), however caused, through serious fault, Product unavailability or otherwise and regardless of the theory of liability, whether in contract, tort or otherwise (but not to the extent that applicable law prohibits liability exclusions or limitations for intentional torts or gross negligence, or other fault bases), or b. for 1) loss of the use of Products or inability to order Products via a GETPAY LLC website or other media, 2) the cost of procuring substitute goods and services resulting from any Products, data, information or services purchased or obtained or messages received or transactions entered into through a GETPAY LLC website or other media, 3) unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmission or data, or 4) statements or conduct of any third party regarding any matter relating to content downloaded from an GETPAY LLC website or other media. This clause and the limitations of liability apply also to GETPAY LLC named as the guarantor or warrantor (if any), in the relevant Guarantee. If applicable law prevents, restricts or limits GETPAY LLC’s ability to limit or exclude its liability or its liability in respect of certain kinds of loss, the limitations and exclusions in these Terms shall apply to exclude or limit GETPAY LLCÕs liability to the maximum extent permissible. Important Consumer Qualification Nothing in these Terms limits, excludes or affects (and should not be read to limit, exclude or affect) GETPAY LLC’s liability which, under the laws which apply to you (which may include consumer protection laws in your usual country of residence) cannot be excluded or limited. Nothing in these Terms affects (or should be read to limit or affect) statutory rights under applicable national laws in force which apply to you. You may assert your rights at your sole discretion.

20. Data Protection and Privacy

Data collection: By submitting orders, you consent to the processing of data personal to you, such as your name and title, address, telephone number, contact details and other personal details (“Personal Data”), in accordance with the terms notified in the “Personal Data” (or similarly entitled) section of the GETPAY LLC website order submission form or the telephone call centre ordering process. GETPAY LLC will not use and/or process your data for any other purpose. Each party (i.e. you or GETPAY LLC) agrees to treat all not publicly available commercial or technical data and documents that may be exchanged as part of the business relationship as confidential. Each party (i.e. you or GETPAY LLC) agrees to process data of the other party only for the purpose of the mutual business relationship, to protect it against unauthorized access by third parties, and to not make the data available to third parties without the consent of the other party.

21. Export Controls

You acknowledge that Products licensed or sold to you under these Terms may be subject to export control laws and regulations of jurisdictions including but not limited to, the countries of the European Economic Area. You confirm that, should this be the case, you will not export or reexport them in breach of such laws or regulations.

22. Governing Law, Jurisdiction and Languages

The sale of Products and/or Services and these Terms shall be governed by and construed under the laws of Germany, except to the extent or in circumstances where applicable law requires application of the law of your country of residence (or other law). For all disputes, Customers submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Berlin, Germany. However, if you are a consumer, this does not affect your statutory rights.

23. Other General Notices and Communications

Each party (i.e. you or GETPAY LLC) may send notices or communications to the other by personal delivery, e-mail, regular mail or fax. Notices or communications must be sent to the latest contact details specified by the receiving party. Notices and communications will be considered received by the addressee (as applicable):(1) If by courier or other mode of personal delivery, on the date of personal delivery to such addressee’s address as last specified by that addressee before despatch; or (2) if by posting, 5 working days after the date of registered posting (by airmail, delivery receipt requested) to the addressee’s address last specified by the addressee before posting; or (3) if by facsimile, contemporaneously with facsimile transmission to the facsimile number last specified by the addressee before transmission, with delivery being evidenced by an appropriate successful transmission contact report. E-mail communications shall be considered received by the addressee on the earlier of (1) the earliest time at which the e-mail is accessible by the addressee; (2) receipt by the sender of a delivery receipt message indicating successful delivery to the intended addressee’s e-mail address, or (3) the expiry of 48 hours from the sending of the e-mail; provided that if at any point the sender receives notification that the e-mail has not been successfully transmitted to an addressee then the e-mail shall not be deemed to have been received by that addressee. Order cancellations by Customers via e-mail shall only be effective upon express acceptance thereof by GETPAY LLC. GETPAY LLC may at its option accept orders and acknowledge, accept or effect other communications by telephone. Telephone communications by GETPAY LLC shall be as effective as written communications. No waiver No omission or delay on the part of any party to insist on strict performance of any Terms, or in exercising any right, power or remedy under these Terms, shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise by any party of any right, power or remedy preclude the further or other exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. Without limitation, no waiver by any party of any breach of any provision of these Terms shall be a waiver of any subsequent breach of that or any other Term. Severability If all or any part of one or more of these Terms is or becomes illegal, invalid, unenforceable, or prohibited in any respect under any applicable law or regulation or found to be illegal or unenforceable in whole or in part under any applicable law, or regulation of any jurisdiction or country, or with respect to a certain category of persons, such provision or part shall to that extent, and only if it cannot be interpreted in a manner to avoid the illegality, invalidity or unenforceability (and only in relation to that jurisdiction or country, or category of persons) be deemed not to form part of the Contract. The legality, validity or enforceability of the remainder of these Terms or the remaining parts of the relevant Term shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby (in relation to such jurisdiction or country, or category of persons). The legality, validity or enforceability of such provision under the applicable laws of any other jurisdiction or country or category of persons, shall not in any way be affected or impaired.

24. Statutory Rights

These Terms do not affect (and should not be read to affect) your statutory rights which cannot be waived or limited by contract.

GETPAY LLC are the global CPaaS, eSIM and MVNO experts Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB No. 89497 European VAT ID DE 813 827 620

All contents on this web site are copyrighted. Distribution, modification or reproduction in part or in its entirety is strictly prohibited without prior written permission of GETPAY LLC. All rights reserved.